Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the end date for the contract?

A: Project end date shall be no more than 2 years in length from the start date of the grant Period. The start date of the Grant Period is specified to be the date that the contract is executed or signed by the award recipient and the DWD signatories. For example, if the project contract is signed by both the awarded party and DWD on March 6, 2022, the project period for the grant program will be March 6, 2022, through March 6, 2024.

Q: Can a state agency be a partner on a Wisconsin Fast Forward Application?

A: DWD policy or code does not prohibit a state agency or a state/federally funded program from being one of the partners on a Wisconsin Fast Forward grant application. For example, a section of DWD could be a partner on a Wisconsin Fast Forward application.

Q: Can funds from that agency serve as match on the application?

A: Wisconsin Fast Forward does not prohibit the use of state or federal funds as a match, as long as the Wisconsin Fast Forward funds are not replacing other state funds and the state/federal rules for those funds do not prohibit the use.

Q: What services will the Office of Skills Development (OSD) provide?

A: OSD administers the Wisconsin Fast Forward Industry Sectors Worker Training Grant program and Expanded grant programs, which include Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment grants and Teacher Training and Recruitment grants. OSD is available to provide technical assistance during the grant application and management process.

Q: How can I have a member of the Office of Skills Development speak at my event?

A: Please contact the Office of Skills Development staff at to discuss Wisconsin Fast Forward speaking opportunities. We are available to speak to gatherings of business members, economic development and chamber groups, conferences, etc.

Q: What grants are available?

A: Grant Program Announcements (GPAs) are available throughout the year. GPA details are posted on the website. You can also sign up for the WFF Mailing List to be notified of new releases or details as they become available.

Q: How will grants be awarded?

A: Eligible applications will be reviewed and scored by an Evaluation Committee who will forward their recommendations to DWD leadership. The scoring rubric will be available on the Wisconsin Fast Forward webpage for applicants to reference.

Q: How much money do I have to match to receive a grant?

A: The "Wisconsin Fast Forward" legislation includes a provision that enables the Office of Skills Development (OSD) to require a matching contribution as a condition of receiving a grant. Depending on the Grant Program Announcement (GPA) you apply under, you will be required to provide cash or in-kind match of between 50 cents and $2 for each grant dollar you are awarded (50% or 200%).

Q: What is the timeframe from grant application to start of training?

A: Applicants who receive an award must be prepared to enter into a contract and begin training no later than 90 days from the date of the execution of the grant contract.

Q: What reporting is required if I receive a grant?

A: Reporting requirements will be clearly specified in the contract. Grantees will be required to submit regular project updates through the submission of reimbursements requests, documentation of match contributions, progress reports, pre- and post-trainee data (Standard WFF) and a final project report.

Q: I am an unemployed worker, how can Wisconsin Fast Forward help me?

A: The Office of Skills Development works with businesses, training providers, and other organizations, to increase your job training opportunities. However, we do not directly connect unemployed/underemployed workers with training opportunities at the WFF employers. Connect to Department of Workforce Development resources, such as, or go to the employers' website for job postings.

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