Reports & Resources

To help Wisconsin businesses with skilled labor training needs, the Office of Skills Development makes Wisconsin Fast Forward and Blueprint for Prosperity grant reports and resources available and provides links to useful external information.

Wisconsin Fast Forward (WFF)

Annual Reports:

Annual Report

WFF 2023 Annual Report
This annual report focuses on Wisconsin Fast Forward worker training grant activities occurring during the 2023 state fiscal year. Released in December 2023.

Annual Report

WFF 2022 Annual Report
This annual report focuses on Wisconsin Fast Forward worker training grant activities occurring during the 2022 state fiscal year. Released in December 2022.

Annual Report

WFF 2021 Annual Report
This annual report focuses on Wisconsin Fast Forward worker training grant activities occurring during the 2021 state fiscal year. Released in December 2021.

Annual Report

WFF 2020 Annual Report
This annual report focuses on Wisconsin Fast Forward worker training grant activities occurring during the 2020 state fiscal year. Released in December 2020.

Annual Report

WFF 2019 Annual Report
This year's annual report focuses on activities occurring during the 2019 state fiscal year in programs that continued under WFF after it was restructured by 2017 Wisconsin Act 370. Released in December 2019.

Annual Report

WFF 2018 Annual Report
This sixth annual report includes a summary of the Wisconsin Fast Forward grant programs and the Wisconsin Internship Initiative. The actual wage report for completed training programs is also included. Released in December 2018.

Annual Report

WFF 2017 Annual Report
This fifth annual report includes a summary of the Wisconsin Fast Forward (Standard) and the Blueprint for Prosperity grant awards. The proposed wage summary for grant submissions and the actual wage report for completed training programs are also included. Released in December 2017.

Annual Report

WFF 2016 Annual Report
This fourth annual report includes a summary of the Wisconsin Fast Forward (Standard) and the Blueprint for Prosperity grant awards. The proposed wage summary for grant submissions and the actual wage report for completed training programs are also included. Released in December 2016.

Annual Report

WFF 2015 Annual Report
This third annual report includes a summary of the Wisconsin Fast Forward (Standard) and the Blueprint for Prosperity grant awards. The proposed wage summary for grant submissions and the actual wage report for completed training programs are also included. Released in December 2015.

Annual Report

WFF 2014 Annual Report
This second annual report includes a summary of the Wisconsin Fast Forward (Standard) and the Blueprint for Prosperity grant awards. The proposed wage summary for grant submissions and the actual wage report for completed training programs are also included. Released in December 2014.

Annual Report

WFF 2013 Annual Report
This first annual report of Wisconsin Fast Forward reviews the program activities since Governor Walker signed the $15 million worker training initiative into law in March 2013. The law requires DWD to submit to the Governor and key Legislative leaders an annual report of activities through the most recent fiscal year. Released in December 2013.

Intent to Award & Contracted Grant Summaries:

WFF Grants

EF214 Contracted Grant Summaries
The Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment grant is part of the Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward grants, awarded to school districts to purchase advanced manufacturing equipment. This summary contains a description of the awarded grants under this program in February 2022.

WFF Grants

Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment Grant Summary
The Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment grant is part of the Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward grants, awarded to school districts to purchase advanced manufacturing equipment. This summary contains a description of the awarded grants under this program in May 2020.

WFF Grants

FF201 Contracted Grant Summary
This Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards for applications received March 31, 2020. Awarded in May 2020.

WFF Grants

FF184-192 Contracted Grant Summary

This Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards for applications received October 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019. Awarded in June 2019.

WFF Grants

Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment Grant Summary

The Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment grant is part of the Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward grants, awarded to school districts to purchase advanced manufacturing equipment. This summary contains a description of the awarded grants under this program in June 2019.

WFF Grants

Accelerated Jump Start Grant Summary

This grant award summary includes a description of the grants awarded under the Accelerated Jump Start worker training grant in December 2018. This grant opportunity was specifically designed to provide worker training to entry level workers.

WFF Grants

Teacher Development Grant Summary

This grant award summary includes a description of the grants awarded to increase the number of licensed teachers in Wisconsin schools. Awarded in December 2018.

WFF Grants

FF184RE1 Contracted Grant Summary

This grant award announcement includes a description of the grant awarded to provide work training to inmates who are about to be released to the community.

WFF Grants

Teacher Training and Recruitment Grant Summary

This grant award announcement includes a description of the grants awarded to train and retain teachers for Low Income/Urban School Districts.

WFF Grants

Commute to Careers Grants Summary

This grant summary includes a description of the grants awarded to eliminate transportation barriers for workers seeking to advance their careers or enter the workforce. Awarded in October 2018.

WFF Grants

High School Student Certifications Round 2 Grant Summary

This grant summary includes a description of the grants awarded to Technical Colleges to certify high school students in industry-recognized high demand fields. Awarded in September 2018.

WFF Grants

Teacher Training Development Grant Summary

Grants awarded under this GPA are intended to increase the number of licensed teachers in Wisconsin Schools. This grant summary includes a description of the grants awarded under this grant opportunity. Awarded in August 2018.

WFF Grants

Dual Enrollment Contracted Grant Summary

Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward- Technical College Grants Training Teachers to Teach in Dual Enrollment Programs..

WFF Grants

High School Student Certifications Round 1 Grant Summary

This grant summary includes a description of the grants awarded to Technical Colleges to certify high school students in industry-recognized high demand fields. Awarded in June 2018.

WFF Grants

2018 Geographic City of Racine Grant Summary

The 2017 Geographic City of Racine Grant Summary contains a description of the contracted grant award for construction, manufacturing, transportation, and logistics industry sectors and related occupations targeting the City of Racine. Awarded in June 2018.

WFF Grants

Employee Resource Network Pilot Grant Program Grant Summary

This grant summary provides a description of the grants awarded for a one-time workforce retention grant to develop and pilot an Employee Resource Network (ERN). Awarded in June 2018.

WFF Grants

Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment Grant Summary

The Advanced Manufacturing Technical Education Equipment grant is part of the Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward grants, awarded to school districts to purchase advanced manufacturing equipment. This summary contains a description of the awarded grants under this program. Awarded in June 2018.

WFF Grants

Nursing Training in Middle and High Schools Grant Summary

This grant summary contains a summary of grants awarded for community-based organizations to build public-private partnerships to provide nursing training to middle and high school students. Awarded in June 2018.

WFF Grants

2018 Quarter 1 Grant Summary

The 2018 Quarter 1 Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards for applications received January 1, 2018 through March 31, 2018. Awarded in May 2018.

WFF Grants

2017 Quarter 4 Grant Summary
The 2017 Quarter 4 Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards for applications received between October 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017. Awarded in March 2018.

WFF Grants

2017 Quarter 3 Grant Summary
The 2017 Quarter 3 Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards for applications received between July 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017. Awarded in December 2017.

WFF Grants

Round 5 WFF Small Business Occupations Grant Summary
The Round 5 Small Business Occupations Grant Contract Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards during the fifth round of Small Business Grant Program Announcements. Awarded in June 2017.

WFF Grants

Round 5 WFF Construction Trades and Related Occupations Grant Summary
The Round 5 Construction Trades and Related Occupations Grant Contract Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards during the fifth round of Grant Program Announcements for construction and related occupations. Awarded in June 2017.

WFF Grants

Round 5 WFF Health Science, Health Care, and Related Occupations Grant Summary
The Round 5 Health Science, Health Care, and Related Occupations Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards during the fifth round of Grant Program Announcements for the above occupations. Awarded in July 2017.

WFF Grants

Round 5 WFF Small Business Occupations Grant Summary
The Round 5 Small Business Occupations Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards during the fifth round of Grant Program Announcements for small businesses. Awarded in September 2017.

WFF Grants

Round 5 WFF Construction Trades and Related Occupations Grant Summary
The Round 5 Construction Trades and Related Occupations Grant Summary contains descriptions of contracted grant awards during the fifth round of Grant Program Announcements for construction trades and related occupations. Awarded in September 2017.

WFF Grants

WFF Manufacturing – 2017 Grant Contract Summaries
The WFF Manufacturing – 2017 Grant Contract Summaries contain descriptions of contracted grant awards during the 2017 Manufacturing round of Grant Program Announcements. Awarded in February 2017.

WFF Grants

Round 5 WFF City of Milwaukee Residents Grant Contract Summary
The Round 5 WFF City of Milwaukee Residents Grant Contract Summary contain descriptions of contracted grant awards during the fifth round of Grant Program Announcements. Awarded in February 2017.

WFF Grants

Round 4 WFF Grant Contract Summaries
The Round 4 WFF Grant Contract Summaries contain descriptions of contracted grant awards during the fourth round of Grant Program Announcements. Awarded in December 2015 and contracted through May 2016.

WFF Grants

Round 3 WFF Grant Award Summaries
The Round 3 WFF Grant Award Summaries contain descriptions of each application approved during the third round of Grant Program Announcements. Awarded in November and December 2014.

WFF Grants

Round 2 WFF Grant Award Summaries
The Round 2 WFF Award Summaries contain descriptions of each application approved during the second round of Grant Program Announcements. Awarded in May 2014.

WFF Grants

Round 1 WFF Grant Award Summaries
The Round 1 WFF Award Summaries contain descriptions of each application approved during the first round of Grant Program Announcements. Awarded in February 2014.

Blueprint for Prosperity

Intent to Award Summaries:
Fiscal Years 2013-15

WFF Grants

Round 2 High School Pupil Grant Award Summaries
The Round 2 High School Pupil Grant Award Summaries contain descriptions of each application approved during the second Grant Program Announcement. Awarded in March 2015.

WFF Grants

Round 1 High School Pupil Grant Award Summaries
The Round 1 High School Pupil Grant Award Summaries contain descriptions of each application approved during the first Grant Program Announcement. Awarded in May 2014.

WFF Grants

Training Workers with Disabilities Grant Award Summaries
The Training Workers with Disabilities Grant Award Summaries contain descriptions of each application approved during the Grant Program Announcement. Awarded in November 2014.

WFF Grants

Wisconsin Technical College System Wait List Reduction Grant Award Overview
The Wisconsin Technical College System Wait List Reduction Grant Award Overview highlights in-demand training grant awards, the number of students to be served, and the number of programs funded by technical college. Awarded in July 2014.

Internship Coordination Program

WAW Series Wrap-Up

Workforce Alignment Workshop Wrap-Up
Learn about the feedback that OSD received from businesses, economic and workforce development leaders and educators during seven workshops held across Wisconsin to better align employer hiring needs with higher education learning outcomes through internships and other solutions.

Laws and Regulation


Wisconsin Fast Forward Legislation, 2013 Wisconsin Act 9
The Standard Wisconsin Fast Forward program was established to: fund an enhanced Labor Marketing Information System, create the Office of Skills Development, and address the skills gap through a $15 million investment for customized worker training grants to employers. Signed into law March 2013.


Wisconsin Fast Forward Legislation, 2013 Wisconsin Act 139
The Blueprint for Prosperity legislation provides $35.4 million in additional funding to expand the Wisconsin Fast Forward program and targets three distinct populations for skills training: college students, high school pupils, and persons with disabilities. Signed into law March 2014.


Wisconsin Fast Forward Legislation, 2015 Wisconsin Act 348
This legislation consolidates various state-funded Department of Workforce Development employment and training programs into a single appropriation. Signed into law April 2016.


Wisconsin Fast Forward, 2015 Wisconsin Act 283
This legislation requires the Department of Workforce Development to provide student internship coordination between Wisconsin higher education institutions and employers to increase the number of internship opportunities. Signed into law March 2016.


Administrative Rules - DWD 801
Administrative Rules were established to govern Wisconsin Fast Forward administration and the granting of funds for the training of unemployed and underemployed workers and incumbent employees in Wisconsin.

External Links

External Research

The Road Ahead: Restoring Wisconsin's Workforce Development
This report provides a comprehensive review of the background and current issues pertaining to workforce development in Wisconsin, with a specific focus on the phenomena commonly referred to as the "skills gap." Released in 2012.

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